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SHM's State of Hospital Medicine Report

Pre-Order the 2023 SoHM Report

Ensure you get your hands on the most up-to-date data on staffing, compensation, burnout, well-being, and more.


About the Report

The State of Hospital Medicine (SoHM) Report defines industry standards and is the most comprehensive resource on hospital medicine group configuration and operation. The report includes the most recent data on practice demographics, staffing levels, turnover, staff growth, compensation models, and financial support for solid evidence-based management decisions from across the country. It combines data collected in the State of Hospital Medicine Survey and data from the Medical Group Management Association’s Physician Compensation and Production Survey. The 2023 SoHM Report will also include data from SHM’s inaugural Workforce Experience Survey, which collected individual hospital data on patient census, backup systems, and well-being.

Whether you are a practice administrator, physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, academic, HMG leader, hospitalist management company, or a hospital/medical group executive, this Report contains regional and national trends in hospital medicine to help make decisions and improve groups. 

The Report is available for pre-purchase in digital, print, or a bundle of both.

About the Survey

The Report is sourced from data collected from individuals and groups via a survey SHM distributes nationwide to HMGs every other year. Participation from groups across the nation is crucial to the Report’s relevance and success, and as such SHM continually seeks to improve the diversity and scope of participants with each iteration.

SHM’s Practice Analysis Committee and staff work together to review and refine the survey questions and then to analyze survey results for the State of Hospital Medicine Report.


What's New?

The topics included in the 2023 SoHM Report are more wide-ranging than ever before. In addition to traditional questions regarding the scope of services, staffing and scheduling models, leadership configuration, and financial support, this year’s Report includes brand-new questions on well-being and burnout, backup and jeopardy systems, and staffing changes and flexibility post-COVID.

The Report also includes data from the inaugural Workforce Experience Survey which asked frontline hospitalists about their experiences with schedules, workload and burnout, and wellness.


How data can impact you. 

The State of Hospital Medicine Report defines industry standards and continues to be the most comprehensive resource on hospital medicine group configuration and operation. Whether you are a practice administrator, physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, academic, HMG leader, hospitalist management company, or a hospital/medical group executive, this resource will help you understand regional and national trends to improve your practice. 

Use the data in the Report as a set of external benchmarks to understand how your unique practice's characteristics may explain variances from the values presented in the Report. It serves as a continuous process of measuring and comparing practice performance internally over time and externally to other organizations' experiences. 

  • Who can use the SoHM Report?

  • Frontline Hospitalists
    Compare your own situation (e.g. compensation, benefits, productivity) with those of your peers, by geographic region, employment model, HMG size, and other categories. 

  • Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
    Understand the robust presence of NPs and PAs in hospital medicine, how your work is being billed as well as general compensation and productivity benchmarks. 

  • Group or Hospital Leaders
    Compare your group's operations, structure, and management plans against those of your peers, by geographic region, employment model, group size, and other categories. 

  • Practice Administrators
    Learn how other HMGs are structured to assess how your group compares and identify opportunities for operational performance improvement.

  • Hospitalist Management Companies 

    Use the Report to benchmark your company's HMG operations against peer companies and groups with other employment models. Apply benchmarks within your company to adapt to differences in region, group size, and teaching status.


SHM offers a variety of formats, so you can access the 2023 State of Hospital Medicine Report however you would like.  The Report will be available in late summer 2023, but is available for presale today! 

*SHM members save over 20%! Not a member? Join today.

2023 Print & Electronic Bundle

Price: $810.00
*SHM Member Price: $660.00


2023 Print Only

Price: $640.00
*SHM Member Price: $490.00



2023 Electronic Only

Price: $580.00
*SHM Member Price: $430.00


Purchased 2020, 2018, or 2016 SoHM Electronic Report?

Click here to begin your access. Use your SHM username and password to log in.


 Interested in Group Purchasing? 

Complete this brief form and an SHM representative will get back to you within 2-3 business days. 


We participate every time the survey is available. We find it extremely helpful when we are looking at the recruiting and retention of hospitalists, looking at what the compensation is, and knowing what is happening out there in the industry.

Roberta P. Himebaugh, MBA, SFHM

The State of Hospital Medicine Report is the must have resource for any practice leader, scheduler, job seeker, or hospital executive. Our multi-site practice depends on the report’s rich data and broad scope to shed light on key decisions on a weekly basis.

Andrew White, MD, SFHM

As someone who helps direct at the division of hospital medicine, the Report is incredibly important to me and our group to reflect on things we are doing well and compare ourselves to other organizations nationally.

Bradley Sharpe, MD, FACP, SFHM