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Join SHM and our partners for Twitter chats with the Journal of Hospital Medicine

Each month, our team selects a recently published Journal of Hospital Medicine (JHM) article and prepares thought provoking questions for an hour-long conversation among hospital medicine professionals across Twitter. Led by a moderator, with the help of guest expert(s), #JHMChat continues to foster engagement and create a sense of community for all participants.

Have you previously attended a JHMChat? Please provide your feedback


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@SocietyHospMed   @ABIMFoundation   @JHospMedicine   @CostsofCare

Upcoming Chats

Join us for the next #JHMChat -- the last before our summer break!

#JHMChat: Finding Your Niche as a Generalist
Date:  Monday, May 15, 2023
Time: 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT
Related Article: Outcomes on an Inpatient Oncology Service After the Introduction of Hospitalist Comanagement
Moderator: Jennifer Readlynn, MD (@jenreadlynn) as @JHospMedicine
Guest Experts: Jensa Morris, MD (@JensaMorrisMD), Avital Y. O’Glasser, MD (@aoglasser), and Andrew Kern-Goldberger, MD (@ASKGoldberger)

Follow us on Twitter @JHospMedicine and @SocietyHospMed for the latest updates.

Questions? Email

How to Join

  1. On, or using the Twitter app, search for #JHMChat. 
  2. At the top of your screen, click "Latest" to see new tweets as they are published. 
  3. At 9 p.m. ET, the chat will begin. The #JHMChat moderator will provide an introduction and prompts. Tweet using the #JHMChat hashtag to respond to the prompts, and feel free to engage with other participants as responses begin to populate. (All tweets should include the #JHMChat hashag to be indexed as part of the conversation.) 

Download the How-To Guide